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Application of AGV in Automobile Coating Process

The paint itself is very harmful to the human body, and the entire coating production line is almost an unmanned production line. The manual work is mainly in material scheduling, paint mixing, production line monitoring and equipment support services. In terms of the degree of automation of a single production line, 100% automation is basically achieved, and AGV is more widely used, mainly used in the transportation of car bodies.

Ⅰ. Application benefits of AGV in automobile painting workshop

1. Cost reduction and efficiency increase

AGV/AMR can achieve 24-hour high-speed repetitive operation, and the work rhythm is much higher than that of labor, so it can greatly improve the work efficiency of the painting workshop, and also reduce labor costs and management costs.

2. Safe and reliable

Avoid repeated, boring processes and the impact of heavy physical labor on workers' status, avoid quality decline and accidents caused by this, and effectively improve production safety and product quality.

3. Green and environmental protection

AGV/AMR can work in a dark field environment and can reduce the working space, thus effectively reducing the energy consumption rate and material consumption rate.

4. Flexible production

AGV/AMR can be increased or decreased flexibly, promoting the flexible process of production and manufacturing.

Ⅱ. Precautions for AGV application in automobile painting workshop

1. Accurate docking between AGV and spraying production line

The spraying line of the coating process workshop is relatively fixed, and the workload of each additional model or location transformation is very large, and even needs to be dismantled and rebuilt. In order not to affect the production of the models in production, the transformation time is usually very short, and the transformation is difficult.

Because the position of the AGV trolley is not fixed, the production site can be changed at will, breaking the fixed demand mode of the line body for space.

The painting workshop has a high degree of automation. With the support of the intelligent management system, the application of AGV needs to focus on the docking with the original spraying system and the optimized management of the handling route, so as to give full play to the flexible production advantages of AGV in the painting process.

2. AGV anti-paint performance

The spraying workshop has high paint. During the transfer, the AGV will inevitably come into contact with the paint when entering and leaving the spraying workshop. Therefore, the AGV needs to have certain paint resistance and solvent resistance, which is easy to clean and keep clean.

3. AGV and workstation are highly adaptable

After the body-in-white goes through the spraying process, the weight of the body increases, generally around 1000KG. The AGV used for handling needs to have a certain rigidity to meet the precise docking with the workstation under different load conditions.

CASUN is one of the earliest enterprises in China to provide intelligent manufacturing solutions for the automotive industry. We will be committed to providing a complete set of solutions for the "4.0" intelligent manufacturing of automobiles and accelerating the intelligent upgrading of the automotive industry!

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