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In-Depth Analysis Of Industrial AMR Robots

On the basis of traditional AGV (unmanned guided vehicle), with the development of technology, a new concept has also been proposed-AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot), which is different from the automatic guidance of traditional AGV, AMR vehicle emphasizes the autonomy of robots. And flexibility. From traditional AGV to AMR, the attributes of robots are continuously enhanced. With the development of artificial intelligence and robotics, the autonomy of mobile robots is getting stronger and stronger, and the technical standards of AMR are getting higher and higher. At present, the most advanced AMR technology refers to the fact that the robot can obtain a map of the environment more autonomously, rely on external preset sensors as little as possible for the positioning of the whole map, can autonomously and intelligently avoid obstacles, and can walk as smart as a human. To the target location.

1. Autonomous navigation of AMR

Compared with traditional robot AGV that require preset markings to plan route navigation, AMR uses its software to build on-site maps or pre-loaded facility drawings for navigation. This feature can be compared to a car equipped with GPS and a set of pre-installed maps. When it is informed of the owner's home and work address, it will generate the most direct route based on the simple location on the map. This is similar to the way AMR is set to pick and place parts.

AMR uses data from cameras, built-in sensors, laser scanners, and sophisticated software to enable it to detect the surrounding environment and choose the most effective path to reach the target. It works completely autonomously, and if forklifts, pallets, people or other obstacles appear in front of it, AMR will use the best alternative route to safely bypass them. This will ensure that the material flow remains within the plan, thereby optimizing productivity.

2. High flexibility of AMR

AMR tasks can be controlled through the robot's interface, or multiple robots can be configured through the fleet control software. These robots can automatically determine the priority of the order based on location and availability, and the robot most suitable for performing a given task. Once the task is established, employees don't have to spend time coordinating the work of the robot. In addition, if a product or production line needs to be modified, the flexibility of AMR fits well with the modern manufacturing environment that requires agility and flexibility. If a production unit is moved or a new unit or process is added, a new build map can be uploaded quickly and easily, or the AMR can be remapped on site, so it can be used for new tasks immediately. Compared with traditional China AGV, the layout of AMR in application scenarios is simpler. With the development of business requirements, the application side can easily redeploy robots on its own to optimize production.

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